The wind today at Telegraph Hill was very strong and blustery. Perfect for getting any cobwebs blown away, but less perfect for butterflies ...
We actually saw a grand total of two butterflies, which is two more than I had expected. One small heath and one grayling. The grayling was a new species for my wife, but not for me, as I had seen its disappearance act before, years ago in the Netherlands. Grayling was new for Britain for me, though.
What's that disappearance act, you might ask? Flush a grayling from the heather, and it will fly a short distance away, land, and then immediately fold its wings together. Because of the colours on the underside of the wings, unless you saw
exactly where it landed, it's incredibly hard to find. In this particular case, I
had seen where it landed, and managed to crawl to it to take the picture. It took a long time for my wife to see it, even though I pointed out where it was and she was less than half a metre away from it ....
Hardly need a table for today, but here it is anyway.
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