Sunday, August 4, 2024

Crockford Bottom & Hatchet Pond

Despite the '100% cloud cover' forecast, we hopped over to Crockford Bottom today, hoping to see the four damsels/dragons that are typical for that stream (two of which, small red and southern damselflies, would be new for the year for us). 

By far the most common dragonfly was the keeled skimmer. Tons of them, chasing each other and anything else that moved. 

Golden-ringed dragonflies were hunting, but never settled, so no pictures of them ...

Several male and female beautiful demoiselles were fluttering over the stream, occasionally landing for photos.

Small red damselflies were present in abundance (never seen so many on one day!). 

And there were plenty of southern damselflies as well. 

As we left, stumbled across a silver-studded blue who had clearly been through the wars .... 

On the way back, we passed Hatchet Pond, and it would be rude not to check it out. 

Not many damsels and dragons, except for lots of common blue damsels.

For today's tables (one = 1; few = 2-4; several = 5-9; many = 10+), I've combined the data from the two sites:

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